Contact Us

Please call or use the contact form below** if you are in need of assistance with Virginia estate planning including wills, trusts, deeds, powers of attorney, and advance medical directives; guardianships; trust administration; estate administration and probate; beneficiary representation; and business matters including creation of Virginia LLCs and corporations.

We welcome your questions and look forward to speaking with you soon.

Smith Pugh & Nelson, PLC

note: not for solicitations or other commercial purposes.

** PLEASE NOTE: Please do not use this form for confidential or time-sensitive information; instead, please call (703) 777-6084 to schedule an appointment to discuss your legal issue with one of our attorneys.

When submitting our contact form, you understand and agree to the following:

  • Any information you receive in response to questions posed on the above form is general information. You will not be charged for the response to this contact form.

  • The above form submission does not constitute a request for legal advice, and you are not creating an attorney/client relationship by submitting this form.

  • You may only retain one of our attorneys by entering into a fee agreement. You are not hereby entering into a fee agreement through submission of this form. 

  • The Internet is not private, and your email may be viewed by or disclosed to unknown or unauthorized persons. Confidential information may not be covered by attorney/client privilege and may not be treated as confidential.


Speaking Engagements

Attorneys Frank Pugh, Jonathan Nelson and Chris Woodruff are available as speakers on the subjects of estate planning, trust administration, probate, business law, and charitable and nonprofit organizations. 

To reach Smith Pugh & Nelson, PLC, please contact us at (703) 777-6084 or through our contact form to the left. We will be back in touch promptly.